Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Aristotle s Virtue Ethics And Kant s Ethics Essay

Why should I be moral? Arguably, that’s an incredibly difficult task to answer, which in many cases, there is simply no real defined answer to that inquiry (CITE). If that weren’t true, many philosophers, such as Aristotle and Immanuel Kant, wouldn’t have found a need to construct a universal solution. However, where are we today in terms of ethical and moral standpoints? It sounds desirable to proclaim that ancient virtues no longer matter in today’s world, but that’s simply not the case. We, as in humans, use ethics as a reference to our decision making on a daily basis. Whether it’s holding a door for someone or listening to an instructor’s lecture, ethics plays a significant role in everyday life. Although there are many different frameworks, I will only explain the impact of Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics and Kant’s Deontology as well as how they coexist and differentiate in our society. Aristotle was born in 384 B.C.E. i n Stagira, Greece (CITE). As a student of Plato’s Academy, Aristotle often questioned the complexity and practicableness of human nature. He first argued that to perfect morality requires some form of connection with absolute telos, or highest good (CITE). This telos finds ground through a virtuous being, in other words, being virtuous is of the utmost importance (CITE). According to Aristotle, any person can perform virtuous acts, but a virtuous person will have the greater tendency (CITE). However, Aristotle strongly supports that being virtuous can alsoShow MoreRelatedVirtue Ethics : The True Stem Of Moral Character1445 Words   |  6 PagesJiovanni Rodriguez Philosophy 103 2014 December 2nd Virtue Ethics: The True Stem of Moral Character Moral character is what dictates an individual s decision making and affects their experiences throughout their life. A person s morals can be based off one s upbringing and environmental factors. 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